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Derry Street, Brierley Hill

Toddlers at play in our nursery


Two to three year old rooms

Time For Two's / 15 Hour Government Funding
We offer time for two's and eligible 2 year old children are entitled to 15 hours a week free chidcare.  Please telephone the nursery for more information.

Our two to three year old rooms are brightly decorated and have a very warm and welcoming atmosphere. They are equipped with a wide range of toys which are both age and development appropriate for the children and their individual needs.

In the two to three year old rooms the staffing ratios are five children to one member of staff. All staff are very committed to their jobs and show great enthusiasm, they have lots of experience working with this age group and have worked within our setting for many years.

Birth to three matters
Within the two to three year old room we use Birth to three matters which is the frame work that is used to provide support, information, guidance and challenge for all those with responsibility for the care and education of babies and children from birth to three. It identifies four aspects, which celebrate the skills and competence of babies and young children and highlights the interrelations between growth, learning, development and the environment in which they are cared for and educated.

These four ‘aspects’ are:

  • A strong child
  • A skilful communicator
  • A competent learner
  • A healthy child

The children are encouraged to participate within a wide range of activities which are changed/adapted on a regular basis to maintain the children’s concentration and interest.

Messy play
There are a lot of messy activities for the children such as sand and water play, play doh, gluing and sticking, painting, clay work etc.

Role/ imaginative play
There are many toys and activities such as prams, dolls, dressing up clothes, kitchen, play house, work shop, hats and bags etc to enable the children to use their imagination and act out roles of people familiar to them such as mommy’s and daddy’s, doctors, fire people etc.

Physical development
Throughout the nursery we promote high levels of physical activities and during each day the children will participate in many physical activities to promote their physical development such as cars and bikes, see-saws and rocking horses, tunnels, mini trampoline, balls and hoops and many more. Children are also encouraged to participate in dance and movement activities as well as mini sports, running and hopping games etc.

Singing/music and nursery rhymes
We introduce musical instruments at a young age to allow children to gain a love for music. The children have adult led musical activities as well as being able to use them throughout each day. We have group activities each day where children will be encouraged to sing nursery rhymes and songs within a group and start to build a repertoire.  We offer weekly dance classes by a professional dance company, which is chargeable (if required) at an additional £2.90 per week.  These are structured classes suitable for boys and girls.

Social skills
At all times we encourage good behaviour, sharing, turn taking and table manners. We also encourage children to become independent with personal hygiene skills e.g., brushing teeth, washing hands etc.

Story time / book sharing
Story time and book sharing is a very important part of our nursery as we understand the importance of children having/sharing books from a very young age, this will enable them to foster a love of language and listening skills. Children have free access to books throughout each day and participate within story times where the staff read a variety of story books as well as listen to story tapes.

Working alongside pre-school rooms
Within our two to three year old rooms we encourage the children to participate within some adult led activities with the older children once a week to enable the younger children to familiarise themselves with the staff, children and surrounding so that when they move into the pre-school room they have a very comfortable and relaxed transition.

Additional fun activities
Throughout the year we have additional fun filled activities which are planned spontaneously either for children during their day at nursery or for both children and their parents. These activities could include fun days to support the world cup, fundraising events for children in need, Birmingham children’s hospital etc. we also have nursery outings to the safari park, pantomine, ‘Hoo’ farm, Ray’s farm etc, during these outings we encouraged parents to join us and have so far proved to be a great day out. For children’s birthday parties many parents request to pay for a clown and caterers, the animal man, magicians, silly science parties etc at the nursery to enable their child/ren to share their birthday with all their nursery friends, these have all been very enjoyable and great fun.

Sample day

Time Activity
7.45 – 8.15 Nursery opens and the 2 to 3 year old children spend breakfast time with their friends together. They are given a selection of cereal, toast or yoghurt for breakfast and choice of milk or water. Floor toys and books are available during this time. 
8.15 – 9.45 Children separate into their own rooms and a wide range of daily activities begin including adult led activities, table top toys, home corner, cars and bikes, clay work, painting, spaghetti play, threading, pencil control, sound lotto’s etc
9.45 – 10.00 Circle time (morning snack and short discussions)
10.00 – 10.30 Children go outdoors for activities and play on the cars and bikes, play ring games, mini sports, have teddy bears picnics, play sand and water etc. The children will also plant and grow seeds and observe things in the outdoor environment such as the falling of leaves, change in weather etc.
10.30 – 11.15 Further daily activities are on offer including play dough, cutting and sticking, dressing up clothes, role play, free painting, sand and water, musical instruments and cooking activities.
11.15 – 11.30 Bathroom time (nappy changing and washing hands ready for lunch)
11.30 – 12.00 Lunch is served by nursery cook. Nursery staff encourage meal times to be relaxed and sociable for the children and to promote good table manners. After lunch children brush their teeth and their clothes are changed if needed. 
12.00 – 1.00 Sleep time- children who do not have a sleep will have quiet time with a selection of story books, jigsaw puzzles, sticking activities etc
1.00 – 2.45 Children will continue to have daily activities using the rocking horses, dolls and push chairs, string painting, junk modelling, play dough, work bench and football etc
2.45 – 3.00 Bathroom time (nappy changing and wash hands ready for tea)
3.00 – 3.30 Tea served. After tea children brush their teeth and have clothes changed if needed
3.30 – 3.45 Children will join in with a variety of nursery rhymes, singing and story time activities.
3.45 - 4.15 Outdoor play. This time is used to encourage the children to join in with running, hopping, skipping and jumping games.
4.15 – 5.30 Daily activities such as cars and bikes, table activities, dolls and prams, book sharing, drawing and colouring, home corner, construction time etc
5.30 – 6.00 Table top activities such as duplo, stickle bricks, big builder, threading, jigsaw puzzles and books.


Prices and Opening Hours

We are open from 7:45 am to 5:45 pm Monday to Friday, 49 weeks a year. We close for a week at Easter, week in August, week at Christmas and bank holidays.

£60 per day

We welcome children from surrounding areas including Stourbridge, Dudley, Oldswinford, Wollaston, Hagley, Pensnett, Lye and Wordsley


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