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Derry Street, Brierley Hill

Pre-school nursery photos


Pre-school -Aged for children 3 to 5 years old

Pre-school setting
Our pre-school is based on the lower floor of the nursery and consists of pre-school rooms, outdoor play area and a bathroom and nappy changing area.

Pre-school rooms
Our pre-school rooms are very fun loving, energetic and exciting learning environments which will allow the children to thrive.

Pre school staff
All staff are fully qualified and have very outgoing, bubbly and enthusiastic personalities and show a sincere caring attitude towards all children in our setting. All staff are very committed to their jobs and have all worked at early years for many years. The staffing ratios in the pre-school room are eight children to one member of staff.

Early year’s foundation stage
In all pre-school rooms we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage which is the government stage for all children between the ages of three to six years. The Early Years Foundation Stage is divided into seven main areas of learning, these are as follows:

  • Physical development
  • Understanding of the world
  • Communication and language
  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Mathematics
  • Expressive arts and design
  • Literacy

Pre-school activities
Activities within the pre-school rooms differ according to the child’s stage of development. The play that we offer builds on previous learning and takes into account each child’s increasing concentration span and developing skills. We encourage creativity and individual expression.
In each pre-school room we have different activities for the children to be involved in and are changed/adapted regularly to maintain the children’s interest.

Free choice/messy activities
Throughout our daily routine we give the children lots of opportunities to promote all seven areas of learning by having a wide range of activities set out for them, these include sand/water play, creative/messy area, clay work, sticking and cutting, cooking activities which promote healthy eating messages, home corner/imaginative play area, writing and construction tables, discovery boxes, play house, dolls and prams, workshop etc.

We encourage the children to use ICT to find out about and identify uses of everyday technology and uses ICT and programmable toys to support their learning. Each day children have access to the computer where they can select from a wide range of educational learning programmes and perform simple functions.

Singing/nursery rhymes and Music activities
Each day the children will interact within music/al activities where they are able to show an interest in the way instruments sound, explore how sounds can be changed, imitate and create movement / creative dance in response to music/music from around the world etc, they will also be encouraged to participate within singing and rhyming activities to enable them to build a repertoire of songs, sing a few simple familiar songs and make some up.

Story time/book sharing
Story time and book sharing is very important to enable the children to foster a love of language and listening skills. In our comfortable book corner children are given plenty of opportunities to look at a wide range of books and are read to regularly either in a group or individually. Books are a very important part of language and literacy where by children are given the opportunity to share books and read/make up their own stories and tell them to the rest of group.

Physical development
Within our pre-school we show a high level of physical activities to promote the children’s physical development and help them to become aware, of the effects of activity on their bodies and show some understanding that good practices with regard to exercise, eating, sleeping and hygiene can contribute to good health. Each week the children are encouraged to interact within an exercise to music activity which is taught by a fully qualified aerobic instructor, they will also be participating within outdoor play activities such as ring games, obstacle races, and mini sports and using equipment such as balls and hoops, cars and bikes, climbing frame, small trampoline and so on.

Additional fun activities
Throughout the year we have additional fun activities which are planned spontaneously either for children during their day at nursery or for both children and their parents. These activities include fun days to support the world cup, fundraising events to help raise money for children in need, Birmingham children’s hospital etc we also have clowns and caterers in for children’s birthday parties at their parents request.

Sample day

Time Activity
7.45 – 8.15 Nursery opens and children are given a selection of cereal, toast for breakfast. Floor toys and books are available
8.30 – 8.40 Room Registration
8.40 – 10.50 Free flow activities begin, linking in with the EYFS- investigation area, physical and music room, creative & mark making area, maths area, construction area, role play room and sensory room.  Children get ready for the Outdoor play area to open at 9.30am.
10.50 – 11.00 Tidy up time
11.00 – 11.15 Pre-school / care group time, Children also do a phonics session using props, role play and story books.

Pre-school. During this time children separate into their care groups and will learn alphabet sounds, letter recognition, colours, shapes, opposites, familiar words etc

11.15 – 12.00 Bathroom / Dinner Time – children go to wash their hands in their care groups and then self serve their dinner. After dinner children go to the bathroom within their care groups to wash hands and face and brush teeth. Children who wish to have a sleep will go into the sleep room around (11.30am).
12.00 – 2.50 Free flow activities – investigation area, physical and music room, creative area, maths area, construction area, role play room, sensory room and outdoor play area.
2.50 – 3.00 Tidy up time.
3.00 – 3.15 Story / Singing time (large group activity) link in with the seven areas of the EYFS - children start going to wash hands ready for tea
3.15 – 3.45 Tea time – children are encouraged to select their own tea.
3.45 – 5.30 Free flow activities within the open rooms ( the rooms open will depend on staff and children ratios)
5.30 – 6.00 Quiet table activities / story telling etc


Parents information
We feel that it is very important to work alongside parents. Throughout the year we continually make all parents aware of nursery activities and events which are happening by sharing information through newsletters, signs on entrances, parent’s evenings, children’s profiles/reports etc. We always allow time throughout each day for parents to contact us or have a chat regarding their child/rens development / time at nursery.

Early Educational funding (EEF)
We are OFSTED registered therefore EEF funding is available to all children from the term following their third birthday regardless of parental income. The government funds up to fifteen hours free nursery provision per week during term time only (38 weeks a year). For three and four year olds who qualify for EEF funding, full nursery costs will apply for attendance during non funded weeks. You may only claim 15 hours per week, per child, even if your child attends another setting.

Subject to availability there are free EEF funded spaces available for parents who want their child to only access fifteen hours free nursery per week term time only. We offer 7:45-3.15pm twice per week, or 8-1pm/1-6pm three times per week to make up fifteen hours per week.  There is no charge for fifteen hour only places.

If your child attends for their free EEF funded sessions you can add additional hours to make a full day. Please speak to nursery about your requirements and prices will be supplied.  When your child becomes eligible for EEF funding we will write to you to request that your parent/carer form is filled in to enable us to claim the funding, provide you with information on this funding, issue you with term dates and advise you of the new discounted cost for nursery fees if appropriate. If you are unsure about this please don’t hesitate to ask a member of the team.

30 Hour Funding
For working parents please see government website for criteria.  We offer the free thirty hour child care entitlement, over 38 weeks/year.  Please speak to management about your exact needs.

Prices and Opening Hours

We are open from 7:45 am to 5:45 pm Monday to Friday, 49 weeks a year. We close for a week at Easter, week in August, week at Christmas and bank holidays.

£55 per day

We welcome children from surrounding areas including Stourbridge, Dudley, Oldswinford, Wollaston, Hagley, Pensnett, Lye and Wordsley



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